MD Scope

MD Scope is the Alberta Medical Association’s email newsletter, sent to members and subscribers at least twice each month.

Each regular issue of the MD Scope includes classifieds.

Typical MD Scope stories include:

  • AMA news and events
  • Member benefits and services
  • Alberta Health Services/Alberta Health initiatives and updates
  • Program-related information: Physician and Family Support Program, CII/CPAR, etc.
  • Conferences, workshops and other learning opportunities

View MD Scope archive for previous issues

June 27, 2024

In this issue:

  • Preventing Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: Two new vaccines
  • Avoid excess lab testing: How you can help
  • New AMA award celebrates rural/remote medicine
  • Discounts on driver's medical exams: How will this affect your practice?
  • AHS Updates: 
    • Active health advisories
  • MD Financial 
    • The tax rules for common-law partners
  • Community Connections


The AMA occasionally accepts submissions for the MD Scope from outside organizations/programs. Please note the association reserves the right to refuse articles or advertising that does not reflect the values or policies of the association or that promotes products/services also offered by companies associated with the AMA.


For more information about MD Scope, please email

To learn more about advertising in the MD Scope Classifieds, please visit Advertising in AMA publications.

Featured Items

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.