Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Comments on the most recent President's Letter are enabled and welcome. You may also contact the AMA President by email at


Below you will find previous issues of The President's Letter. For older issues no longer on the website, contact us.

  • POCP and stipend deadlines extended, AMA makes official request

    The deadline for physicians to appeal Alberta Health Services’ decisions about the Physician On-Call Program (POCP) has been extended to March 14. 

  • 40-day patient experience, CaRMS and med students

    For the next 40 days, we invite all Albertans currently using the health care system to share their stories about the care they received in 2024. 

  • AMA responds to Budget 2025

    The AMA has reviewed Alberta’s 2025 Budget, and while there are some positive investments, significant concerns remain about how the government plans to meet the growing demands on our health care system.

  • Heal health care, respect physician advocacy

    In the news-cycle roar of recent days, in the complexity of these times, it can be hard to see a clear road ahead for health care. Our system is strained in every way.

  • PCPCM application process now open

    We’ve reached another important milestone in the journey toward full implementation of the Primary Care Physician Compensation Model (PCPCM).

  • AH has made retroactive payments

    Alberta Health released a bulletin yesterday announcing fee-for-service retroactive payments for 2024-25. These funds are issued under the terms of the 2022-26 AMA/AH agreement. 

  • About OBGYN - Acute Care Concerns

    Today we launch the latest topic in our Acute Care Concerns series with Issue 4: Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  • COVID response; Physician On-Call Program

    Earlier today I released a statement in response to the report of the Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force. The report is very problematic.

    AHS has just completed its review of the Physician On-Call Program (POCP). I am hearing concerns from many physicians that on-call remuneration is being eliminated or significantly reduced as of April 1, 2025.

  • PCCM Expression of Interest is live
  • Stipends are on the table

    We are pleased to announce that the joint AMA-AHS Stipend Working Group (SWG) has now commenced meeting.