Newsletters & Magazines

News for Alberta physicians

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The Alberta Medical Association produces a selection of newsletters and magazines to keep members informed about:

  • Association activities
  • Events
  • Items of interest from the medical community in Alberta and across the country

Advertising in AMA publications

Learn more about classified and display ads in our publications.

Alberta Doctors' Digest

The May-June 2024 issue of Alberta Doctors' Digest is now available. Highlights include: How to support the caregivers who support your patients; The foundation stones of medicine: OBGYN; Shine A Light; Dr. Gadget; Health Law Update; and more!

MD Scope

Current issue: June 27, 2024. MD Scope is a biweekly email newsletter with AMA reminders, Alberta Health Services/Alberta Health updates, billing tips, conferences and much more. Each regular issue of the MD Scope includes classified ads.

News for Docs

News for Docs is a daily email newsletter containing news items of interest to Alberta physicians. We scour news sources daily to bring you curated content every day. Sign up to receive our curated newsletter

Optimized Prescribing with Seniors

Current article - March 2024. A joint communication between the AMA and the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta, articles in this publication are written by physicians for physicians prescribing in the care of older patients.

Primary Care News archive

The Primary Care Alliance brings you information about current initiatives, activities and events related to primary care in Alberta. This archive contains links to one year of back issues of Primary Care News.

Section News

Current Issue: June 2024. Section News is a monthly e-newsletter featuring updates from AMA member sections. Submitted by section presidents (or their representatives), the updates most often pertain to section governance announcements/news, reports from meetings or notices of upcoming meetings, conferences and events.

SFM Bulletin

Current issue: May 17, 2024 - On this World Family Doctor Day, thank you for all you do

Featured Items

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.