Physician Compensation Strategy: The video

October 25, 2017

Dr. Neil Cooper, AMA President

Hello Members:

We have had many discussions over the last several months about the Income Equity Initiative. It has been rewarding to see how the profession has come together to work on the various aspects of the plan and to make sure we are looking at all the important aspects so we get it right.

Like many of the things the Alberta Medical Association does, the Income Equity Initiative is part of a much larger picture. I wanted to take a step back and put the Income Equity Initiative into the context of our entire AMA Physician Compensation Strategy. The strategy matters because it is about more than how we are paid; it’s about how compensation can link to the way we deliver care to our patients and how other factors (such as informatics) also have a role to play

AMA Physician Compensation Strategy

I have been hearing that we should start looking at other ways to communicate with members. I have therefore put together this video that hopefully will accomplish both objectives: to explain our compensation strategy and also communicate in a new way. In the future I hope to try other communication methods.

I would really like your feedback on both objectives. Did you learn anything? Was this an effective tool for learning? As usual I would love to hear from you. Of course, you can also comment on the compensation strategy, too. There are a few options:

1. Please email me at if you would like a direct reply

2. Please leave a (public) comment below. Thank you for your feedback and insight.

At your service,

Neil D.J. Cooper, MD, FRCPC, Dip. Sport Med.

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Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.