Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Team Huddles Guide

This team huddles guide is focused on finding strategies for quickly planning and re-planning the day’s activities to maximize communication and coordination. Every clinic has a schedule for the day, but it’s often rare that the schedule goes as planned. Huddles help teams to be more proactive, efficient and patient-centered. They can be performed daily, weekly or as needed. You may wish to run a PDSA (Plan, Do Study, Act) cycle with your team to determine the best huddle frequency and approach.

Huddles are typically:

  • Brief (10 minutes long)
  • Planned for first thing in the morning (NOTE: some clinics choose to huddle again after lunch)
  • Focused (everyone knows the purpose of the huddle ahead of time)
  • Done while standing (at an EMR, if applicable)
  • Standardized (same time and place) every day, and/or
  • Scheduled ‘as needed’ (e.g. PDSA update, review of critical incident or event, etc.)
  • Inclusive – every team member present is encouraged to actively participate

Examples of huddle topics:

  • Team check-in – who is here/not here today? Special concerns or acknowledgements, etc.
  • Which patients are booked today? Any cancellations?
  • What can be prepared ahead of time and by whom? (e.g., pull in results from Netcare, set up for pap,)
  • Is there any important information the whole team should know? (e.g. patient is grieving)
  • Contingency planning to manage the day when a team member is off sick or on vacation
  • What can be done opportunistically? For example:
    • ‘Screening appointment’ coming up (provide with requisitions in advance)
    • Patient is due or overdue for preventive screening (no screening appointment booked)
    • Prescription renewal coming up – consider taking care of today
    • Care plan needs follow-up
    • An appointment with a team member would be helpful (e.g. pharmacist for a med reconciliation) – engage and book

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