Accelerating Change ​Transformation Team​ (ACTT)

Supporting physicians and teams to create a high-performing health system

ACTT Practice Enhancements

Our trusted Alberta-based advisors work with:

  • Physicians ​
  • Clinics and Primary Care Network teams
  • Health system leaders and partners

We offer tools, services and advice on:

Physician Leadership

Training, networking and advice for existing and aspiring leaders.

Strategic support available at 4 levels:

  • Province-wide
  • Zones
  • Primary Care Networks (PCN)
  • Clinics

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Networks of Practice

Peer-to-peer conversation, community, capacity building with others who share similar goals and challenges.

Current Networks of Practice include:

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Practice Enhancements

Supports for practice stability, improvement and health system change.

Guidance available:

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System Transformation

Collaboration with partners to influence and develop high-performing health system design.

Topic areas include:

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Our Priorities

  1. Help teams to optimize their clinics.

  2. Equip physicians to lead improvements.

  3. Create capacity for ​continuous advancement.

  4. Collaborate with experts to share, test and​ implement new ideas, technology and models.