Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

2023 PCN Strategic Forum

The 2023 PCN Strategic Forum was hosted by the Primary Care Network Physician Leads Executive on November 2-4, 2023, in Calgary. The theme was “Teaming Up, Moving Forward” and focused on team-based care, partnerships, innovation and transformation. It was an opportunity for attendees to connect in person with colleagues from across the province and various organizations as everyone came together to be inspired, explore meaningful collaborations and influence the future of primary healthcare in Alberta.

Forum was attended by more than 400 PCN Board Members, Executive Directors, other PCN Leadership/Management, including Physician Champions and Practice Facilitators; members of Zone PCN Committees, Physician Advisory Committees and Business Units; Patient Partners; primary healthcare system leaders from Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services and other partner organizations; and other family physician leaders.

PCN Strategic Forum Presentations