Family Medicine

The AMA’s Section of Family Medicine represents family physicians and family medicine across the province. We work to advocate for the sustainability and financial stability of family medicine in Alberta. We are the voice and the champion of front-line family physicians and help educate Albertans about family medicine’s role as the foundation of our health care system.


  • Advocate fiercely for Family Medicine.
  • Collaborate to drive health system improvement.
  • Achieve compensation that reflects the essential role of family physicians in the health of Albertans.


Alberta’s family doctors are well-supported and financially equipped to provide accessible, quality team-based health care.

Join Us

If you’re not already a member of the Section of Family Medicine, consider joining us. We need your perspective, your ideas and your insight. Let your voice be heard... become a voting member* of SFM today by emailing

*Please note that voting SFM members pay section dues in addition to AMA membership dues. These dues go directly to supporting the work that SFM does on behalf of family physicians.

News, opportunities, events, AGM date. etc.


Physician Comprehensive Care Model (PCCM)

On April 17 the Alberta government committed to implementing the Physician Comprehensive Care Model (PCCM). This new, modernized model will provide family physicians and rural generalists who are currently paid through fee-for-service or other compensation models with a new compensation option. One that will allow primary care physicians to continue to deliver comprehensive, life-long patient care while keeping their community clinics viable.

MAPS, AMA Memorandum of Understanding and Strike Team

The AMA and Alberta Health have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that commits both parties to work together to stabilize family practices and develop long-term solutions. To help action the MoU, the AMA has established a Strike Team comprised of the Section of Family Medicine, Section of Rural Medicine and the PCN Physicians Leads Executive, with representation from the ARP working group. The Strike Team meets regularly. Read about the Strike Team and find notes from the meetings (member login required).

Next section annual general meeting

  • Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
  • Location: Hyatt Regency, Calgary

Secure information

(Available to active section members only, login required.)

  • Secure information: Access various SFM member only secure documents including section bylaws, meeting minutes, town hall recordings and more.)

Login help

Locked out? Forgot your password or AMA member? Need help creating an account?

Meet your executive

The SFM Executive leads the work of the Section and advocates on the issues that matter to members. It includes a president, president-elect/past president, secretary/treasurer, three to five members-at-large, and an appointed fees representative. Representatives from the Section of Rural Medicine and Primary Care Network Physician Leads Executive also hold ex-officio roles on the SFM Executive.

Dr. Sarah Bates, Acting President

Acting President

Dr. Sarah Bates, Calgary
View bio

Dr. Emmanuel Gye, Secretary-Treasurer


Dr. Emmanuel Gye, Airdrie 
View bio

Dr. Darryl LaBuick, Fees Representative

Fees Representative

Dr. Darryl LaBuick, St. Albert
[bio coming soon]

Dr. Heidi Fell, Member-at-Large


Dr. Heidi Fell, Calgary
View bio

Dr. Van Thuy Nguyen, Member-at-Large


Dr. Van Thuy Nguyen, Calgary 
View bio

Dr. Kerri Treherne, Member-at-Large


Dr. Kerri Treherne, Calgary 
View bio

Dr. Tyler Hunter, Member-at-Large


Dr. Tyler Hunter, Calgary
View bio

Dr. Trevor Day, Member-at-Large


Dr. Trevor Day, Edmonton
View bio


Other Representatives


SRM President

  • Dr. Rithesh Ram, Drumheller (Ex-officio member)

PCN Physician Leads Executive

  • Dr. Susan Byers, Lethbridge (Ex-officio member)

Committee and other representatives 

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Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.