Alberta Medical Association/Workers’ Compensation Board Advisory Committee

AMA/WCB Advisory CommitteeThe Alberta Medical Association and the Workers’ Compensation Board – Alberta have a shared goal of collaboration and partnership for the benefit of injured workers, and employers in Alberta.

The AMA/WCB Advisory Committee was established to enhance the relationship between the AMA and WCB in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of injured workers in Alberta, and to provide mechanisms for the ongoing management and implementation of the WCB-AMA Physician Services Compensation Agreement. The objectives of the committee include:

  • Resolving disputes:
    • regarding the application or interpretation of any part of the Agreement;
    • relating to general clinical issues.
  • Monitoring the progress of, managing and identifying potential enhancements or amendments to the Agreement.
  • Providing a forum for the discussion and implementation of educational issues and initiatives.
  • Maintaining existing and exploring new collaborative initiatives between the AMA, its members or sections and WCB.
  • Communicating to AMA members, WCB stakeholders and others as the committee deems appropriate.
  • Providing a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues relating to fees and the fee schedule between the AMA and WCB.
  • Appointing sub-committees as needed to achieve these objectives.
  • Facilitating communication between the AMA and WCB.


What is the AMA/WCB Advisory Committee working on for Alberta physicians?

  1. Ensuring physicians are aware of current and new educational opportunities on topics of interest to physicians.
  2. Optimizing physicians’ reporting experience with WCB.
  3. Communicating with member physicians regarding issues relating to care of injured workers, including:
  4. Physician's Guide to Expedited Services

Educational links

Foundation Course in Occupational Medicine – University of Alberta

Provide input or ask questions

AMA members and sections can contact the AMA/WCB Advisory Committee by email at

Please note that the intent of the mailbox is to identify issues and concerns with WCB processes that relate to the diagnosis and treatment of injured workers and WCB payment for this treatment. The AMA will bring these issues and concerns forward to the Advisory Committee for consideration and discussion of appropriate action.

Individual patient’s clinical information, request for reviews or inquiries should continue to be sent to WCB. 

Alberta Medical Association Mission: Advocate for and support Alberta physicians. Strengthen their leadership in the provision of sustainable quality care.