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Scripting Samples - RIFS

For staff providing the financial strain questionnaire to the patient

“Dr. ___ is leading a project that aims to support and improve the health of our patients. We know this is a difficult time for Albertans and that everyone is experiencing financial impacts but for some the impact is even more significant.  We know the stress and worry about how to manage paying your bills and putting food on the table can affect people’s health. Our clinic team would like to help people experiencing financial strain to get them connected to resources that can help.  This questionnaire is completely voluntary and will take approximately 2 minutes to complete.   Dr. ____ will review your response(s) with you when (he/she) sees you if you choose to complete it. Do you have any questions?”

For the physician responding to the financial strain questionnaire

For the physician responding to the financial strain questionnaire

“THANK YOU for taking the time to complete the questionnaire.  We recognize that talking about financial challenges is very private and difficult to do; however, understanding if you are experiencing financial strain can be important information for me to know when I’m caring for you.  This helps me ensure we get you the support you need for your health and wellness by connecting you to resources that can help with things such as medication costs, transportation, affordable housing or having someone to talk with. 

  1. Provide a reflective and support statement
    • “You are dealing with a lot of challenges. I can’t imagine how hard that is but I can see you are a strong person and we are here to help you”
  1. Ask permission to help
    • “Do you think this is something I can help with?”
  1. Determine your next steps
    • “This handout includes some available resources for people experiencing financial strain. Do you see anything in this information that you might like to explore?”
    • “The primary care network has a team member who I can refer my patients to see because (she/he/they) are experts in knowing what community resources exist and how to navigate all the forms so it isn’t overwhelming or frustrating. I think we can help you.  Would you like to explore any of this further?”

“PLEASE consider filling out the consent to contact form before you leave the clinic and you can leave the sheet in the bin next to the XXX. It is really important to me and our whole team to know whether we are on the right track in helping you and all our patients.  You will receive a phone call from an Alberta Health Services employee since they are partner with us in the project in a month or two.  Everything you say will be completely anonymous. Do you have any questions?”

For staff doing an outreach phone call to the patient

“Good (morning/afternoon) this is ____ with ____ clinic.  May I speak to _____?    Do you have a few minutes for me to share with you some work we are doing on a project for Dr. _______?

Thank you for taking my call.  We know this is a difficult time for Albertans and that everyone is experiencing financial impacts but for some the impact is even more significant.  We know the stress and worry about how to manage paying your bills and putting food on the table can affect people’s health.

Dr. ___ is leading a project that aims to support and improve the health of our patients. Our clinic team would like to help people experiencing financial strain to get them connected to resources that can help.    This could include resources that can help with things such as medication costs, transportation, affordable housing or having someone to talk with. 

I want you to know that it is completely voluntary if you book an appointment with Dr. ____ to review the financial strain screening questionnaire and discuss the appropriate resources you have access to. Would you like me to book that appointment for you?

If YES… Great and I’m happy to schedule that appointment for you.  I just want to verify your demographics - Is your mailing address still ….. Your phone number.... Can you please provide me with your email address in case we send something to you or set up a virtual care appointment…And to confirm your date of birth is correct…

If NO…. I completely understand. This is not an easy subject to talk about and this is completely voluntary.  If in future you feel this is something that may be of your interest at a later date, please give the clinic a call and we can set something up for you at that time

Are there any questions you have regarding our discussion today?

I hope you have a good day, stay safe and healthy and thank you for your time.”