Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

RIFS Change Package Summary

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Reducing the Impact of Financial Strain (RIFS) Change Package is to assist primary care clinics in optimizing processes for paneled patients who are experiencing financial strain.

What is the aim statement?

By a specific date, the clinic team will have improved screening rates by a specific percentage.

What is the outcome measure?

The number of patients with a documented financial strain assessment out of the total number of paneled patients.

What constitutes the balancing measure?

The time to the third next available (TNA) appointment.

What do I need to do before proceeding?

These are the foundational change packages that should be reviewed:

Panel Processes Change Package Summary Relational Continuity Change Package Summary Care Planning Change Package Summary

High Impact Changes

  1. Improve the patient experience

    Potentially Better Practice

    Establish a multidisciplinary improvement team and consider including a patient with lived experience.

    Process Measures
    Team meetings are scheduled regularly.


    Sequence to Achieve Change Including a Patient Partner on an Improvement Team
    Potentially Better Practice

    Incorporate a patient-centred care approach.

    Process Measures
    The number of patients screened for financial strain in the last 18 months


    Care Plan Template with Prompt
    Potentially Better Practice

    Create a culture that allows for open conversations with patients about financial strain.

    Process Measures
    Conduct a patient survey or interview.
    Survey your team to allow opportunities for improvement.


    Poster - RIFS Scripting Samples - RIFS
  2. Identify paneled patients

    Potentially Better Practice

    Define the segment of paneled patients who would most benefit from an assessment of financial strain.

    Process Measures

    Definition of the patient population eligible for screening.


    HQCA Primary Health Care Panel Report
    Potentially Better Practice

    Generate lists of patients who have been identified as needing an assessment for financial strain and review the list with the team.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients on the EMR list.


    EMR Guides - RIFS
  3. Standardize documentation

    Potentially Better Practice

    Define the social determinants of health the team will use for care provision and standardize documentation in the EMR.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with social determinants of health documented in the EMR.


    EMR Guides - RIFS
  4. Optimize care management

    Potentially Better Practice

    Use a process to assess patients for financial strain.

    Process Measures

    The number of panel patients assessed for financial strain.

    The number of completed PDSA


    Poverty Screening Questions Rapid Cycle Improvements with Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA)
    Potentially Better Practice

    Use a process for responding to patients with financial strain

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with documented financial strain.


    Scripting Samples - RIFS PCN Resource Handouts - RIFS
    Potentially Better Practice

    Use a process for ongoing review of patient-centred goals and care coordination.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with financial strain who have care follow-up due for re-assessment.


    Care Plan Template with Prompt
  5. Coordinate care in the medical home

    Potentially Better Practice

    Establish clear roles and responsibilities for supporting patients with financial strain amongst the medical home team.

    Process Measures

    Discuss the results of the Team Assessment together.


    Roles and Responsibilities - RIFS Introductions with Intention Introductions with Intention - RIFS Team Huddles Guide Team Assessment - RIFS Sample Process Maps - RIFS
  6. Coordinate care in the health neighbourhood

    Potentially Better Practice

    Establish processes that facilitate effective transitions of care.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with visits within seven days post-hospital discharge.


    Process Mapping H2H2H Change Package Summary Collaborative Care Agreement