Model for Improvement Worksheet

Use the Model for Improvement Worksheet to document the Aim statement, measurement requirements, and identification of potentially better practices to improve quality.

Once the quality improvement topic is known, assemble a team representing each function that is involved in that topic (the people who do the work need to change the work.) This is the Quality Improvement team, and together they answer the following three questions. Once the three questions are answered, the team implements rapid cycle improvements through the use of Plan Do Study Act (PDSA).

  1. The answer to this first question is the Aim Statement. It is best worded as something of value to the patient and is specific and measurable so that there is a clear focus and pace.
  2. The answer to the second question defines how performance will be measured.
  3. The answer to the third question identifies the changes that will be made and draws on the change concepts or potentially better practices (PBP) that improve quality.

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