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Privacy Charter

One of the topics required in the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) policy section, is the overall principles used to manage the clinic’s privacy and security and adherence to Alberta’s Health Information Act (HIA). Many clinics have found it helpful to include a Privacy Charter at the beginning of the policy section of their PIA. This document articulates the clinic’s commitment to their patients and personnel with respect to privacy and security of health and personal information.

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Instructions for use

These instructions are meant to assist you with making this document your own and to fulfill your obligations under the Health Information Act.   

  • Please read the document carefully and ensure that all sections are relevant to your clinic and make adjustments as required. 
  • Ensure that it reflects your clinic’s practices. 
  • These policies should be adapted to the clinic’s policy manual formatting.  

Determine the best way to communicate this policy with relevant team members and implement the policy.