Privacy Impact Assessment – Health Information Listing Table

(PIA Annotated Template - Section C)

Document Purpose and Overview

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) describes how proposed administrative practices or information systems may affect the privacy of the individuals who are the subjects of the information. 

This document is intended to be adapted by the custodian when submitting a PIA in Section C: Health Information Listing Table. This table provides the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) with a list and description of the types of health information you will collect, use or disclose. Keep in mind the Health Information Act (HIA) requires that custodians only collect, use, and disclose the amount of health information that is essential to meet the intended purpose.

The proper form to use is the PIA Annotated Template. This template is intended to assist community-based custodians in completing PIAs. It can be accessed on this page on the Alberta Health website. 

Instructions for Use

  • Below is an example of how to create a Health Information Listing Table
  • Develop a table that resembles your clinic's processes
  • Once complete, this table can be inserted in the Annotated Template with your clinic specific information in it in Section C – Project Privacy Analysis

Health Information Listing Table
This table lists the common health information collected in a community clinic. Add this document into the Section C of the Project privacy Analysis when completed. 

Health Information Listing Table
Registration Information Diagnostic, Treatment & Care Information Scheduling/Billing Information
Patient name*
Phone number (home)
Phone number (work)
Additional contact numbers (cell, pager)
Date of birth
Personal Health Number*
Contact name
Contact relationship
Contact Address
Contact phone numbers (home, work)
Chart Number*
Family and social history
Past medical history
Immunization history
Lab orders and results
Problem list
Vital Stats
Progress notes
Diagnostic imaging reports
Health service provider information (physician name, provider ID*; referring physician name, referring Dr. ID) 
Appointment date
Appointment time
Reason for visit
Amount owing
Provider ID*
Referring Dr. ID*
Service facility
Functional centre
Originating facility
Originating location
Hospital admit date
Pay to entity

*Unique Identifier