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Model 2 Board Governance Handbook Template

The PCN Governance Handbook Template has been jointly developed by the AMA and AHS to assist PCN’s in Model 2 to meet the requirements set out in the Alberta Health Primary Care Network Governance Policy.

While use of the template is strongly encouraged, it is not mandatory. Many PCN Boards across the province have developed a governance handbook/manual or have established guidelines. PCNs that wish to maintain the format of their current handbook/manual will need to ensure that it meets the requirements set out in the new AH Policy.

Specifically, these areas are:

  1. Identification and regular review of roles and responsibilities of board members and corporate officers;
  2. Outlines the process for evaluation of the PCN Board;
  3. Outlines the process for the annual performance review of the staff who report directly to the Board of Directors;
  4. Includes a Board Code of Conduct; and
  5. Includes a Conflict of Interest Policy which fully defines conflict of interest and the manner in which they will be dealt with.

In addition to the sections required by the AH policy, the template includes:

  1. Director Succession Planning and Election Process;
  2. Board Meetings; and
  3. Board Committees and Terms of Reference.

The template also has the following policies appended to it:

  1. Conflict of Interest;
  2. Board Code of Conduct;
  3. PCN Governance Policy which sets out the manner in which the Board and Management work together. 

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