Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

CII/CPAR Health Information Collection Provider Requirements

CII/CPAR falls under the Alberta Netcare umbrella, which is governed by the Health Information Act. Providers are not required to have direct conversations with their patients, however…

  1. Health Collection Poster

    They are obligated to place a Health Collection Notice poster within a patient’s view. A customizable template is provided to the clinic.

  2. Patient Brochure

    If patients have further questions, CII Patient Brochures are also provided.

  3. Custodian Script

    A Custodian Script for Patients is provided which outlines how to discuss patient’s expressed wishes and the use of confidentiality flags.

  4. Patient FAQ

    The Patient Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document explains the CII/CPAR initiative and its implications to patients of CII/CPAR clinics. It also provides patients with contact details if they have more questions. 

  5. Privacy and Security FAQ

    The CII/CPAR Privacy & Security FAQ provides further details about the sharing of health information.