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CII/CPAR Data and Governance

Healthcare Data Repository

Data submitted to CII and CPAR is also shared with Alberta’s Healthcare Data Repository. The repository is a database for provincial health system analytics in line with other leading health systems in the world. Access to the CII and CPAR information in the repository is currently limited within the project team and is not yet available for broader statistical or analytical reporting.

Information that flows through CII to the data repository includes mapped data elements from encounters and panels. These data elements are recommended by the Canadian Institute for Health Information as a standard primary care data set for health system planning. The national standard recommendations include collection of the health service code and encounter payment source.

As indicated in the CII Privacy Impact Assessment the intended use of CII/CPAR data is for planning, quality improvement and health system management. The information cannot be used for other purposes. 

Health Information Data Governance Committee

Policies governing the use of CII/CPAR information are established by the Health Information Data Governance Committee (HIDGC). HIDGC is a senior-level, multi-disciplinary data steward committee that provides advice on health information privacy and data governance. HIDGC’s responsibilities include making recommendations on health information sharing and information management to inform patient care and support service delivery to Albertans and manage the health system; recommending strategic direction to provincial eHealth initiatives; and advising on privacy and security issues.

HIDGC provides strategic advice to the Minister of Health and the Health Information Executive Committee (HIEC) to ensure that health information and data is protected and health information is used effectively to support:

  • Patient care
  • Health system management
  • Research and evidence-based improvements
  • Program planning
  • Promoting the sharing of health information outside the health sector where necessary for client service delivery through the Government of Alberta’s social programs.


Alberta physicians are represented on HIDGC through the physician members representing the Alberta Medical Association, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, Faculties of Medicine as well as the CPSA registrar.

Other non-government members represent the:

  • Alberta Pharmacists Association
  • Alberta College of Pharmacy, College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
  • System Innovation and Programs, AHS Vice President
  • Public (two members)

Health Information Data Governance Committee Overview Fact Sheet

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