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Care Planning Change Package Summary

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the Care Planning Change Package is to assist primary care clinics in optimizing a care planning processes for paneled patients with rising complex health needs.

What is the aim statement?

By a specific date, the clinic team will have completed a specific number of care plans using a patient-centered approach.

What is the outcome measure?

The number of patients with rising complex health needs with a documented care planning offer within the last twelve months.

What constitutes the balancing measure?

The time to the third next available (TNA) appointment.

What do I need to do before proceeding?

These are the prerequisite change packages that should be reviewed:

Panel Processes Change Package Summary Relational Continuity Change Package Summary

High Impact Changes

  1. Improve the patient experience

    Potentially Better Practice

    Establish a multidisciplinary quality improvement team and consider including a patient advisor

    Process Measures
    Team meetings are scheduled regularly.


    Patient Representative Guide
  2. Identify paneled patients for care planning

    Potentially Better Practice

    Prioritize and select a patient population for care planning.

    Process Measures

    Develop a definition of eligible patients.


    HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports Identifying Patients with Complex Health Needs
    Potentially Better Practice

    Generate lists of patients eligible for care planning and review as a team.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients eligible for care planning.


    EMR Resources
  3. Optimize care planning processes

    Potentially Better PracticeS

    Define and coordinate care team roles, processes, and interactions


    Team Assessment - Care Planning Roles and Responsibilities Template Process Mapping Introductions with Intention
    Potentially Better Practice

    Offer eligible patients a care planning appointment and invite them to bring a trusted friend or family member to the appointment.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients offered care planning.


    Scripting Elements
    Potentially Better Practice

    Test a process for asking patients what matters to them.

    Potentially Better Practice

    Engage the patient in the care planning process and setting patient-centred goals.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with care plans completed in the last 12 months.


    Care Plan Template with Prompt Setting Effective Patient-Centred Goals Guide


  4. Standardize documentation

    Potentially Better Practice

    Create processes in the EMR to identify the patient as part of a specific population for care planning.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients eligible for a care plan.


    EMR Resources
    Potentially Better Practice

    Document all aspects of the care plan in the care plan template.

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with care planning template in the chart.


    Care Plan Template with Prompt
    Potentially Better Practice

    Use reminders in your EMR to establish a process for care planning with outreach and opportunistic strategies for follow up activities

    Process Measures

    The number of patients with care plan completed due for a follow up.


    EMR Resources
  5. Coordinate care in the medical home

    Potentially Better Practice

    Ensure completed care plan is made available to all team members who care for the patient within the medical home.

    Process Measures

    The number of other providers the care plan has been shared with.


    Team Huddles Guide
  6. Coordinate care in the health neighbourhood

    Potentially Better Practice

    Provide the patient with a copy of their care plan (if not connected in patient portal)

    Process Measures

    A care plan is printed for the patient.

    Potentially Better Practice

    Establish a process to share the care plan with other providers outside of the primary care clinic (AHS, specialty programs, specialists, community, etc.)

    Process Measures

    The number of other providers the care plan has been shared with.


    Process Mapping