Team-Based Care

Team-based care is about knowing your patient’s needs and surrounding them with customized care when they need it.

Team-based Care Resources

Why Team-Based Care?

  • Enhances quality of care
  • Improves health outcomes
  • Promotes chronic disease management
  • Increases patient satisfaction
  • Furthers implementation of innovation and modernization
  • Boosts access to care
  • Reduces burnout
  • Raises healthcare workers' job satisfaction

The Accelerating Change Transformation Team (ACTT) has been assisting Alberta physicians and teams to implement team-based care for nearly a decade. As an innovator in the team-based care space, ACTT continues to develop and share resources in a variety of formats to support the diversity of teams from across the province.

A high-performing team is essential to creating a more comprehensive, coordinated, and effective care delivery system centred on the patient's needs.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada
Physician Leadership Network Clinic Managers Network

Relevant past webinar summaries

Effective Teamwork
Physician Leadership Network Webinar

NEW! Team-based Care
Clinic Managers Network Webinar

Complete Archive of Webinars
Physician Leadership Network

The following downloadable guides will support team-based care in your practice.

Roles and Responsibilities Template Introductions with Intention Team Huddles Guide