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We are the AMA

On May 5, I released a letter to the Minister

President's Letter

Dear Members:

On May 5, I released a letter to the Minister. It was jointly signed by physician leaders as a declaration of unity within the profession and support for the Alberta Medical Association as the representative of physicians.

Thank you to members who wrote me to echo this message. I also want to extend a huge shout out to hundreds of our social media regulars who enthusiastically joined our tweetstorm:

We unanimously reject unilateral actions taken by this government regarding physician services.
We will not enter into discussions without AMA representation

Today, I have received a statement issued by our Specialty Care Alliance. It is a thoughtful commentary on the damage inflicted by unilateral government decision making, an expression of support for both rural and urban colleagues who have been impacted and a resounding amplification of the message: We are the AMA.

Thank you to the SCA for this wonderful support!!!

We have a difficult road before us, but the determination of physicians will carry the day in the end. I have been convinced of this as I read letters from groups such as the SCA, but also from individual members and practice groups. I’d like to share one that I received today. It’s from the physicians of Rimbey Medical Clinic to their local MLA and the Minister. Like so many letters that I have read in recent weeks, it captures the determination and professionalism that make me so proud of the members of the AMA.

With so many voices raised, we will stand strong in pursuing a negotiated agreement with access to third-party arbitration as necessary.

Please take time this weekend to join our campaign calling on government to get back to the table. Nearly 2,000 of you have signed up already. Let’s get those numbers higher! Physicians have our own link to sign up. The public may now participate at, and you will see advertising to promote the opportunity for the public in the weeks ahead.

In your service,

Christine P. Molnar, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association