Fee Navigator®

    Health Service Code 08.45Z

    Assessment or therapy of a family, requiring comprehensive psychiatric or family systems evaluation, first full 45 minutes or major portion thereof for the first call when only one call is claimed_- out of office.

    1. May only be claimed:
      • when the purpose of the visit is to provide psychiatric assessment or therapy to deal with systemic issues in the family unit;
      • by general practice physicians, generalists in Mental Health, pediatricians (including subspecialties) and psychiatrists.
    2. Each subsequent 15 minutes, or major portion thereof, may be claimed at the rate specified on the Price List after the first full 45 minutes has elapsed.
    Category:V Visit
    Base rate:$59.11

    AMA billing tips:

      • Physicians that provide care in publicly funded sites are required to bill the "Z" codes.
      • Publicly funded facility types are: acute care centres, ambulatory care centres, auxiliary hospital, Health Canada Nursing Station, nursing home, regional contracted practitioner office (offices that are contracted by AHS to provide specific services) and subacute auxiliary hospital.
      • AHS and AH are conducting a review of physician overhead arrangements. In the meantime, there is still a requirement for physicians to claim the Z codes.
      • Please consult the Alberta Health Facility Directory for information regarding facility designations.

    Fee modifiers:

    TypeCode# of callsExplicitActionAmount
    SKLLGNMHReplace Base$59.11
    SKLLGPReplace Base$157.97
    SKLLNPMReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPDGEReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPDNRReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPDSGReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPEDReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPEDCReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPEDNReplace Base$173.84
    SKLLPSYCReplace Base$213.07
    SESUSESU1 - 32For Each Call Pay Base At100%
    CALLM15NPM2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PDC2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PDG2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PDN2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PDS2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PED2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$46.82
    CALLM15PSY2 - 10For Each Call Increase By$69.75
    CALLM45M151For Each Call Pay Base At100%
    CALLM45M152 - 10For Each Call Increase By$48.25
    TELETELESYesIncrease Base To120%

    Governing Rules:

    • 1.33

      An "in office" service is defined as a service that is not provided in the following publically funded facility types: Active Treatment Centre, Ambulatory Care Centre, Auxiliary Hospital, Health Canada Nursing Station, Community Ambulatory Care Centre, Community Mental Health Clinic, Nursing Home, Regional Contracted Practitioner Office and Subacute Auxiliary Hospitals. The following Health Service Codes are designated as "in office": 03.03A, 03.03B, 03.03F, 03.04A, 03.05I, 03.07A, 03.08A, 03.08B, 03.08I, 03.08J, 08.19A, 08.19G, 08.19GA, and 08.45.

      An "out of office" service is defined as a service that is provided in the following publically funded facility types: Active Treatment Centre, Ambulatory Care Centre, Auxiliary Hospital, Health Canada Nursing Station, Community Ambulatory Care Centre, Community Mental Health Clinic, Nursing Home, Regional Contracted Practitioner Office and Subacute Auxiliary Hospitals. The following Health Service Codes are designated as "out of office": 03.03AZ, 03.03BZ, 03.03FZ, 03.04AZ 03.05IZ, 03.07AZ, 03.08AZ, 03.08BZ, 03.08IZ, 03.08JZ, 08.19AZ, 08.19GZ, and 08.45Z