EZMSA Executive Election

Elections are being held for one Member at Large position on the EZMSA Executive.

Candidates running for election as the Member at Large (Community Family Practitioner) representative on the EZMSA Executive: 

Dr. Yatri Patel – letter of interest

Dr. Patel is a family physician and clinical assistant professor at the Student Health Centre for the University of Alberta.

Dr. Lilah Rossi – letter of interest

Dr. Rossi is a family physician at Windermere Plaza Medical Clinic, clinical associate in Acute Psychiatry at Grey Nuns Hospital, and intrapartum care to women at Misericordia and Royal Alexandra Hospitals.

One representative will be elected to the Member at Large position. The position will be filled based on the number of votes received. Voting closes at 4 p.m., Monday, November 20. Ballot results will be tallied thereafter and results will be announced in the EZMSA newsletter on November 21.

Have a question for a candidate?

Send it to BobbieJo.Hawkes@albertadoctors.org along with your name and preferred contact information. Your query will be forwarded to the candidate(s) and they’ll be invited to contact you directly.

Contact BobbieJo.Hawkes@albertadoctors.org if you:

  • Have a problem with the e-vote process
  • Have a question about the election

Only those who hold a primary membership in the Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association as recorded in the office of the EZMSA and who are in good standing are entitled to vote.

Bobbie Jo Hawkes
Manager, Edmonton Zone Medical Staff Association