VCUR 2008 EMR Funding Extension Program

About this program

In 2013, Alberta Health and the Alberta Medical Association (AMA) agreed to form the VCUR 2008 EMR Funding Extension Program (to take effect on April 1, 2014).  

The program allows the AMA and Alberta Health to fulfil certain funding commitments made under the former Physician Office System Program (POSP) and its guidelines.  

The program continues funding for eligible physicians using VCUR 2008 electronic medical records (EMRs) as of January 31, 2014, up to their maximum reimbursement amount of $35,000 (or until March 31, 2019, whichever comes first).

In this section:

Funding eligibility

VCUR 2008 EMR Funding Extension Program Guidelines

Reimbursement process

VCUR 2008 EMR vendors


Forms and agreements

The AMA advances patient-centered, quality care by advocating for and supporting physician leadership and wellness.