Both AMA and CMA offer you a wide range of benefits and services to meet your professional, financial, personal and family needs.
How to renew your membership:
Fill out the forms
During the renewal period, visit our membership renewal page to fill out the forms. Login required.
Update & pay
Update your details and pay your fees online by credit card or register to make pre-authorized payments (PAPs) on the membership renewal page.
Or, if you prefer, membership renewal forms can be printed using print screen and mailed via regular mail to:
Alberta Medical Association
12230 106 Ave NW
Edmonton AB T5N 3Z1 -
Print your receipt and membership card after renewal is processed.
Need to update your information or register for PAP?
Visit the membership renewal page (login required) to update your email address, telephone number, banking or other contact information. (Need help logging in?)
Join the AMA
Looking to sign up for an AMA membership? Contact us at amamail
Note: New physicians to AMA membership cannot register online.
Canadian Medical Association membership
The Canadian Medical Association collects its membership dues directly from members in Alberta, rather than through the AMA. Be part of the movement of physicians who are driving health care reform at the national level by joining or renewing your membership with the CMA. Please use their online form or contact their Member Service Centre at memberservicecentre
More information:
A tax receipt will be available to print from your AMA Member Dashboard soon after you pay your membership fees. What kind of receipt you receive depends on how you pay your fees:
- Annually: A tax receipt with your new member card can be printed.
- Monthly: A tax receipt for your first payment with your new member card can be printed.
- Payment histories can be viewed and printed.
- Receipts and payment histories can be accessed via your dashboard in the "My Membership" box.
Find out which of our many membership categories fits you best and what your membership status could mean for you.
Your membership category is determined by your status as of October 1.
If your status changes during the membership year, your membership category can be adjusted. For example, if you are an administrative physician who begins to bill fee for-service or a retired member who begins to practice again, you can upgrade your membership to category 05. To inquire or for more information, contact the Membership department at membershipgeneral
- Physicians and resident physicians: We will waive AMA membership fees for the time you are away from practice if you are fully disabled.
- Medical students: We can waive fees for medical students if you are fully disabled.
Contact us at the beginning of your leave to learn about our waiver requirements. Remember to contact us at the end of your leave, so that you can receive benefits such as CME and MLR.
If you have questions about this process, please contact Jennifer McCombe
What else you need to know
We will waive membership fees for full months away from practice but not for partial months at the beginning or end of your leave.
During the time your fees are waived, you will not be eligible for reimbursement from the MLR. If you practice at some time during the calendar year, we will retain your CME allotment. When your fees are waived (e.g., because of a disability), you are not providing fee-for-service. During this time:
- You are not eligible for financial reimbursements from our negotiated benefits (CME, MLR, etc.). When you return to active practice and have paid your membership fees, you are again eligible for these benefits.
- You continue to be eligible for our non-financial programs such as ADIUM Insurance, Physician and Famliy Support Programs, etc.