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Physician Comprehensive Care Model for Primary Care (PCCM)  Resources

Jointly developed by the Alberta Medical Association’s primary care physician leaders and Alberta Health, the PCCM is a new option under Alberta’s Clinical Alternative Relationship Plans (cARPs). As alternatives to Fee-For-Service (FFS), clinical ARPs align physician compensation with health system objectives.

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Physician Tools & Resources

The AMA has developed a range of support tools, webinars, and resources to assist with the transition to the PCCM. These resources will support you in determining if the PCCM is right for you, offer guidance on the enrollment process, changes to billing, panel management and more.
As more details emerge, new resources, tools and webinars will be made available on the AMA’s PCCM webpage and through the AMA Member Dashboard. 

Past Webinars - Recorded Video & Key Takeaways

Click here for a Youtube Playlist and watch all three PCCM webinar recordings at once.