Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Blended Capitation Model Patient Information Brochure Example for Clinics

This document contains sample key messages for BCM patient information about the BCM model and expectations. This content can be used for patient information pamphlets/brochures or included on your clinic website. 

This content is provided as a sample and guide only. Please feel free to customize this information for your clinic’s needs.  

Our Medical Home and the Blended Capitation Model

With our clinic participating in the Blended Capitation Model, our patients will be asked to sign an affiliation agreement that links them to their medical home. By signing the affiliation agreement: 

  • You agree to seek care whenever possible at the clinic you sign up with
  • You will update the clinic with changes in your health
  • You will have the benefit of accessing all your care in one place 

This will allow your family doctor to have a full understanding of your care needs and will create a trusting and well-informed relationship between you and your family doctor.





Our medical home is changing the way we provide patient care by using more members of the health team which will include:

  • Family Physician
  • RN, LPN, and MOA’s
  • Pharmacist
  • Mental Health Consultants
  • Chronic Care Nurse
  • Dietician

(Add or subtract from this list as applicable) 

By using this team approach we are able to:

  • See our patients faster
  • Provide our patients with more thorough care
  • Provide you with continuity of care
    Efficiently use all of our health team
  • Have the flexibility to provide services in different ways
  • Encourage health promotion, wellness and teamwork with other health providers
With this information in mind, we ask that you contact us first for all your healthcare needs.
If you have further questions, please refer to the BCM patient FAQs (insert link to your website FAQ page) or contact the clinic at xxx-xxx-xxxx.