Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Auto Populated Patient Affiliation Form in Med Access - Instructions

Option 1: Send the Patient Affiliation form to Med Access, and they can add this to the system forms. This would then be available to anyone using Med Access. Med Access would charge the user to embed the form in the EMR. 

Option 2: Build the form just for your clinic; this could be shared with other clinics if needed by exporting the form. This form could be built by an EMR specialist (if you have one available in your PCN) or a staff member familiar with creating forms.

The following are resources on how to create forms in Med Access:

If your EMR specialist has any questions, please ask them to contact our AMA-ACTT EMR Lead Parvathi Nair at:

Please note: the physician/clinic team are responsible for initiating the discussion with patients about the responsibilities, benefits and expectations of affiliation to all parties involved, and to obtain the patient and physician signatures.