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Auto Populated Patient Affiliation Form in CHR - Instructions

The auto populated Patient Affiliation Form is available in the CHR Clinical Contact Library:
*Note: To perform this action, you must have the Templates: Forms permission.

1.  From the main menu, click Settings > Templates > Form

2.  In the top-right corner, click Add Template, and from the list, select  Add from Clinical Content Library

3.  To help narrow the search results:

- Filter for AB letters and/or

- In the Search library by content name field, type the first part of the name of the letter you want to add: “Clinical Alternative Relationship"

4.  Press “Enter” or “Return”, and the results will appear

5.  Click the + icon. The form is added to your domain, and the + icon changes to a green plus.
Note: Forms that are already in your CHR have a green checkmark.

If your EMR specialist has any questions, please ask them to contact our AMA ACTT EMR Lead Sarah-Joy Kurth at:[email protected].

Please note: the physician/clinic team are responsible for initiating the discussion with patients about the responsibilities, benefits and expectations of affiliation to all parties involved, and to obtain the patient and physician signatures.