Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

BCM Interdisciplinary Team: Scope of Practice Examples

BCM is designed to drive interdisciplinary care; it is also a way to maintain access and continuity. As the BCM payment model takes away the “whites of eyes” rule – you can now shift to deliver care in innovative ways and maximize the team’s capacity without concerns regarding compensation for each service provided.

The positions listed below provide examples of how you can expand the scope of your health team members in your BCM clinic. Please note the following:



These are examples of health team processes:

Team positions

Notes: Booking for the interdisciplinary health team

The scope is the same as the family doctor the physician assistant works with. They can carry out procedures, episodic care, complex patient care, forms, counselling etc.

Notes: Physician Assistants can not hold the most responsible provider role (physician only) and cannot carry a panel of patients themselves.