CII/CPAR Privacy Resources
Ensure your clinic has a strong privacy and security program with an up-to-date PIA and an endorsement letter for CII/CPAR participation.
Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.
Ensure your clinic has a strong privacy and security program with an up-to-date PIA and an endorsement letter for CII/CPAR participation.
Background on the duty of custodians to notify patients about health information collection, including a script and links to the health collection notice and patient brochure.
An overview of the healthcare data repository and the health information data governance committee, including membership and an overview fact sheet.
CII/CPAR falls under the Alberta Netcare umbrella, which is governed by the Health Information Act. Providers are not required to have direct conversations with their patients, however…
Health Collection Notices that can be downloaded or printed for a clinic to help with Health Information Act requirements. English, Punjabi, Arabic, and Spanish versions.
Frequently asked questions about the privacy and security of CII/CPAR covering topics of confidentiality, PIAs, protections in place, information sharing, legal authority, and access to information.
A brief overview of what a PIA is, when a Minor or Major PIA update is required, and a list of key PIA resources.
Outline of the PIA process for CII/CPAR participation including a summary of the endorsement letter which serves as an addendum to the clinic's PIA.
Information for patients on CII/CPAR and its implications to patients including an overview of CII and Alberta Netcare, what information flows, CEDs, and what to do if there are concerns.
Patient information one-pager on Alberta Netcare, how CII/CPAR helps support coordinated and comprehensive care by sharing health information, and privacy protection.
Endorsement Letter Template that clinics need to complete during CII/CPAR enrolment with eHealth and then send to the OIPC to complement their existing PIA.
The Health Care Data Repository is a database of aggregated health care information intended for system analysis and quality improvement; it is governed by HIDGC.