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Wolf: How CPAR Panels work (Pediatrics)

Pediatrician Panels

We recognize that pediatricians around the province have different models of practice. Some may have a significant caseload of patients with a little or no panel, others may have a substantial number of patients who qualify as a panel.

With that in mind, for the purposes of participating in CII/CPAR a panel of patients for a pediatrician can be thought of as:

  • that group of patients for whom you:
    • provide comprehensive longitudinal care and consider that you “quarterback” their care, and:
    • wish to:
      • declare yourself to the rest of the health care system as their primary provider, or as a partner in their primary care team in Alberta Netcare (beginning in June 2021 a patient’s CPAR attachments will display in their Netcare record)
      • receive eNotifications of events at AHS facilities such as ER discharges, inpatient admissions and discharges, and day surgery discharges

Some useful resources for additional information on panels:

Guide to Panel Identification and ACTT Panel and Continuity Resources

  1. How to panel for CII/CPAR in Wolf

    In the demographic area of the patient chart the basic information that is needed for patient panel identification for CPAR is:

    • Full Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Gender
    • Primary Provider
    • Confirmation Date (“Patient Data Verification”)
    • Alberta Health Care # (PHN)
    • Patient Status (Active or Inactive)
    • Status Date

    • In the “Patient Data Verification” fields: the checkbox must be checked and there must be a date in the “Last recording:” field.
    • The patient’s status must be one that the clinic chooses for CPAR. Wolf has new functionality in “Patient Status Maintenance” to designate statuses as CPAR recognized. The checkbox beside “Paneled” should be checked for every status that is CPAR appropriate:

    Some useful resources on setting demographic information in your EMR:

    The Wolf EMR CII and CPAR Online Guide and

    The TELUS Wolf Guide for Patient’s Medical Home

  2. Five Key Changes in Behaviors at the Practice

    1. Regularly confirm that both you and the patient consider that you are “quarterbacking” their care
    2. Record the confirmation in the EMR in the “Patient Data Verified” field with a date
    3. Maintain & review the panel list at regular intervals
    4. Utilize the panel list to plan care delivery
    5. Submit the panel list to CPAR (once registered, TELUS uploads automatically on the 10th of the month)
  3. eNotifications in your Wolf EMR

    Uploading your paneled patients to CPAR enables routing of eNotification alerts to your EMR inbox when one of your paneled patients has an event at an AHS facility. eNotifications are sent for:

    • Emergency room discharges and left without being seen
    • Inpatient admissions and discharges
    • Day surgery discharges

    eNotifications are received by the clinic twice daily and you can view the document from your In Basket:

    Team members with access to the inbox can see the eNotifications and responding can be teamwork. The eNotification includes basic information:

    • Pt demographics
    • Facility location
    • Date/time
    • Attending provider
    • Admission reason (if available)
    • Additional providers notified (if multiple providers have identified the patient on their CPAR panel).

    It is important to check Alberta Netcare for additional information about the encounter before following up with the patient.

    The notice remains in the document tab of the patient chart and is coded with:

    • Date: Date the event occurred
    • Document Type: Notification
    • Keyword One: Admission or Discharge
    • Keyword Two: Inpatient, Outpatient or Emergency
    • Keyword Three: Facility (e.g., Daysland Health Centre)
  4. About Deceased Patients

    The notice will include a deceased notification next to the patient’s name if the information is available in the data feed from the AHS facility’s Admission, Discharge Transfer (ADT) system. If the data includes both the patient name and the date of death, both will be displayed: Patient Name (Deceased: YYYY-MM-DD). If the ADT data does not include a date of death, then only the deceased notification will be shown: Patient Name (Deceased). ANP can be checked in the meantime to see if a death has been recorded by the AHS facility. Once the death has been registered with Vital Statistics, the date of death will be shown on the CPAR demographic mismatch report after the next panel submission.

    At the clinic mark the patient as deceased in Patient Maintenance by changing the Patient Status so the patient will not load to CPAR in the next monthly upload.

More Panel Resources

The Panel Readiness Checklist is a valuable tool to determine if your clinic is panel ready before participating.

Related Article

Wolf: CII/CPAR Guide