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Panels, Panel Conflicts, & Demographic Mismatches


Panel readiness is a requirement to participate in CPAR. Each participant needs to use the panel readiness checklist and each box must be checked. If all boxes cannot be checked, the clinic needs to go back to develop and act on their panel processes before participating. Panel maintenance is a very important process.

When a physician participates in the central patient attachment registry that NOT panel ready and loads a panel that is known to have many panel conflicts, each panel conflict appears on the report for another participating primary provider causing a cascade effect for those providers and teams. The other impact is that the system now knows that this physician is the primary provider and eNotifications will be generated for each of the CPAR paneled patient when they have a hospital admission, hospital discharge, emergency discharge and day surgery. The average number of eNotifications are 11.7 per week for each 1,000 patients on the panel. 

Participants must be panel ready. In a sense, the primary provider is declaring to the system that they have a validated the care relationship with the patient.

CPAR is set up to identify panels by provider and location. It is also set up to receive panel lists that have been generated from an EMR. If a provider has panels in multiple locations, there are two possible solutions for setting up CPAR panels depending on the EMR setup. In the situation where each location has a different EMR instance then it would be appropriate to set up a CPAR panel for each location/instance. If the provider practices at multiple locations that use the same EMR instance, then it would make more sense to create a single panel for ease of uploading because the EMR will most likely produce a single panel list for all locations.

Panel Submission for Physicians who Practice in More than One Location

CPAR is set up to identify panels by provider and location. It is also set up to receive panel lists that have been generated from an EMR. If a provider has panels in multiple locations, there are two possible solutions for setting up CPAR panels depending on the EMR setup. In the situation where each location has a different EMR instance then it would be appropriate to set up a CPAR panel for each location/instance. If the provider practices at multiple locations that use the same EMR instance, then it would make more sense to create a single panel for ease of uploading because the EMR will most likely produce a single panel list for all locations.

CPAR Conflict Report

The CPAR Conflict Report is generated by CPAR on a per panel basis and lists patients on the provider’s panel that are also paneled to another participating provider. It is produced monthly. Click here for a sample report.

CPAR Demographic Mismatch Report

The CPAR Demographic Mismatch Report is generated by CPAR on a per panel basis and identifies where there are mismatches between the demographic information in the provider’s EMR and the Alberta Health Provincial Client Registry. It also indicates any deceased patients who have been included in the panel. It is produced monthly. Click here for a sample report.

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