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Locums and CII/CPAR

If the locum is covering for a CII/CPAR registered primary provider (physician or nurse practitioner) then information from the encounters the locum has with patients can be shared to Alberta Netcare. In order for this to happen, the physician locum must be set up correctly in the clinic’s EMR:

If the locum is covering for a CII/CPAR registered provider and working from the schedule of this provider, then the encounter information will be sent.

If the locum is covering for a CII/CPAR registered provider and working from the locum’s own schedule, then the encounter information won’t be sent unless the locum is also a CII/CPAR registered provider.

In Healthquest, the sharing of locum information is highly dependent on EMR setup, the setup of the locum, and the physician they are covering for as well as how appointments are booked and the setup of the schedule. If you have specific questions or concerns about the sharing of locum encounter information please contact Microquest directly.

If the locum is covering for the CII/CPAR registered doctor, as they usually would be, then their encounter information should be shared. They must be:

  • Set up as a locum in the EMR
  • Sharing the license of the physician they’re covering for
  • Working on behalf of the physician in the EMR

If the Locum is set up in the EMR as a “physician” or “MD” instead of a “Locum” then the clinic will have to submit the paperwork to register the locum with CII/CPAR. This would be a more unusual setup.

If the locum is covering for a registered provider and the patient has a registered CII/CPAR primary provider, then encounter information will be sent.

If the patient’s primary provider is not registered, encounter information is not sent.

If the patient doesn’t have a primary provider and the locum that is covering is not a registered CII/CPAR provider, the visit will not be sent.

Wolf will not send encounter information for non-registered providers. Locums will have to be registered for CII/CPAR for any of the information from their encounters to flow.

In Wolf, a locum should have an account per provider they are working for, and would be set up in the EMR as such:

  • Locum Name 1 for Provider Name 1
  • Locum Name 1 for Provider Name 2
  • Locum Name 2 for Provider Name 1
  • Locum Name 2 for Provider Name 2 

When working for a particular provider, they would log into the appropriate account. Each of the accounts would need to be registered as a CII/CPAR provider in order for information to be shared.

If you have specific questions or concerns about the sharing of locum encounter information, please contact the EMR vendor directly.