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CPAR Provider in Connect Care

As of October 1, 2024, the CPAR Provider is being displayed in Connect Care in the “Primary Provider (CPAR)” field, in addition to being displayed in Netcare. Note that this is a separate field from the PCP – General field in Connect Care.

Primary Care Provider fields do not match

The CPAR provider listed in Connect Care does not automatically update the PCP – General field. The PCP – General field can only be updated in Connect Care by AHS staff or physicians. Note that any changes made in Connect Care to any PCP field will not change the CPAR provider attachment, or the CPAR provider listed in Netcare.

The intended purpose of displaying the CPAR provider in Connect Care is to assist AHS teams in correctly identifying the primary care provider. If the PCP-General field does not match the Primary Provider (CPAR) field, this should prompt AHS team members to ask the patient to confirm who their primary care provider is. Then the AHS team member can update the PCP-General field if necessary.

Document routing

The CPAR Provider displayed in Connect Care is for information purposes only and does not automatically mean that the provider will be copied on test results or reports. Connect Care uses the PCP – General field for routing documents like Summative Notes.

In some cases, a patient may present at an AHS facility and indicate a physician as their primary care provider. This may result in a physician being added as the primary care provider in Connect Care and cause that provider to receive documents on a patient who is not actually on their panel. Physicians or their staff can contact AHS Solutions Centre at 1-877-311-4300 to have the physician removed from the PCP – General field in Connect Care. More information is also available in the Connect Care Community Provider Resources.

CPAR Conflicts

For patients in Conflict (i.e. patients listed on two or more primary providers’ CPAR panels), the Primary Provider (CPAR) field will only display one of the conflicting providers, whichever one has the most recent Confirmation Date.