Accuro: How to Send Encounters for Alberta Netcare

Participating in the Community Encounter Digest (CED) is optional for specialists.

Accuro Data Mapping

  1. Data that Maps to Alberta Netcare CED and the Healthcare Data Repository

    In the CII project, there are two places that information will be pulled to within Alberta Health:

    Alberta Netcare (CED) and Healthcare Data Repository- Information is securely shared with other providers can see this information as it is published in the CII Community Encounter Digest (CED) report and copied to the Healthcare Data Repository.

    Healthcare Data Repository- Information uploaded to the Health Care Data Repository is not visible or published. 


  2. Conditions that allow for Encounter information to flow to the CED in Alberta Netcare

    Accuro determines if a chart item is valid to submit to CII if the chart item:

    • is associated with a valid appointment
    • has a recorded owner and the date of service is after the CII go-live date for the provider OR has no recorded owner but is associated on the schedule with a provider who is live on CII
    • is ‘active’
    • is added within 48 hours of the appointment
  3. Keeping Encounters Confidential

    You can prevent selected health information from being sent to Alberta Netcare by making patient data private or confidential:

    1. Do not share Encounter Data with CII at the patient level (ever). 

    2. Do not share Encounter data with CII for a single appointment.

If not all of your providers in the clinic are live on CII/CPAR, review Information Sharing in Partially Onboarded Clinics for additional information to learn what encounter information will be sent to Alberta Netcare. 

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Accuro: Key CII/CPAR Resources

Accuro: EMR fields map to CED

Accuro: CII/CPAR Guide

CII/CPAR: How Information is Shared in Partially Onboarded Clinics