CII: Quick Reference Guide - Healthquest
How to Send Consults to Alberta Netcare
Once a physician is enabled on CII, follow these steps to send consults to Alberta Netcare.
- Create a letter in the patient’s chart as normal.
- Open the Client Letters window and select the letter.
- In the ‘DOC:’ field, select a provider who is signed up for CII.
- Click ‘Send to Netcare’. The consult letter is sent to Alberta Netcare as a pdf consult report that evening.
Consult Reports transcribed outside of Healthquest
Letters transcribed outside of the EMR as a Word document
- Create a letter in the patient’s chart, import the Word document (confirm letter is formatted correctly), save. Consult flows as above to Alberta Netcare.
Letters transcribed outside of the EMR as a PDF document
- Copy the text and then paste it into another program such as the letter module in Healthquest (confirm letter is formatted correctly), save. Consult flows as above to Netcare.
Healthquest does not have the ability to select an attachment and add it to the consult report. You may go to other areas of the patient’s chart to copy information and paste it when composing the consult letter.
For detailed information please refer to the user guide: Healthquest CII/CPAR EMR Guide