Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Rural, Remote, Northern Program (RRNP)

The RRNP defines and addresses the relative degree of medical isolation for physicians in rural, remote and northern Alberta communities.

By providing financial incentives, the program supports the recruitment and retention of physicians to live and practice in rural remote and northern areas of the province.

Who is eligible?

Eligible communities are assessed against seven criteria, with points assigned based on the extent to which the community is medically isolated. The greater the medical isolation, the higher the points, and the greater the financial incentives for physicians.

The total number of points per community determines the differential financial support available to physicians who practice and/or reside in the community.

Incentive payments

Two types of incentive payments are available to physicians in eligible communities:

  • A premium payment applied automatically to every insured health service provided by any physician in the community (including locums). Because this payment is expressed as a percentage of fees, it automatically changes when the fees change.
  • Flat-fee payment for physicians who practice and reside in less-isolated communities. The physician’s income must be greater than $50,000 for insured services provided within the community (residency parameters apply). Physicians must submit an application to determine eligibility for this payment. This payment changes annually according to the AMA Agreement. For detailed information, please visit:

Apply for the program

To apply for RRNP flat-fee payments contact Alberta Health