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MyHealth Records

How it works

From a computer, smartphone or tablet, the MyHealth Records portal provides registered users with a convenient way to keep track of their health in one, secure place with the option of printing reports to share with their physician and other health care providers.

What it includes

Users can see the results from common lab tests – including results for cholesterol, iron, kidney and liver function – almost immediately. Other data in MyHealth Records includes medications purchased from community pharmacies over the past 18 months and most immunizations received in Alberta. Additionally, registered users may enter personal information into their health record, including:

  • Immunizations received outside of an Alberta Health Services Public/Travel Health Clinic;
  • Appointments, allergies, family history, medical conditions, health goals, etc.
  • Information uploaded from personal health devices (including blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters and fitness trackers) that are supported by MyHealth Records.

By making patient health information from Alberta Netcare available to registered users of the portal, MyHealth Records helps Albertans play an active role in their health care decision-making.

Visit for more information.