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Panel in Action Training

Panel in Action image

Strong panel processes are foundational to optimizing Patient’s Medical Home (PMH).

This curriculum provides:

  • An overview of the concept of panel.
  • Why panels are fundamental to clinic PMH journeys.
  • How panels improve broader health system transformation.
  • Practical skills and knowledge to support clinics with panel management.

Who is this training for?

  • Panel Managers
  • Practice Facilitators
  • Clinic staff who manage panels

What you will learn

By the end of this this curriculum, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the significance of a panel and panel processes in optimizing Patient's Medical Home.
  • Interpret primary care panel processes including panel identification, maintenance and management.
  • Relate EMR tools and resources to an existing panel.

Time to complete

2.5 hours

How to register

Sign-up through Learn@AMA.
The online, on-demand curriculum can be completed at your own pace and revisited anytime.

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*Learn@AMA account required for access
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