EMR Network
A virtual hub of collaboration supporting EMR users in PCNs and clinics, along with Practice (Improvement) Facilitators and others interested in optimizing their EMRs in the Patient’s Medical Home (PMH).

Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.
AMA has engaged two part-time resources to provide EMR related support to physicians. This support focuses primarily on assisting with resolution of EMR challenges and issues and provides guidance on privacy questions.
Although the support will be limited at this time, AMA feels that member advocacy in this area is needed as technology matures, and expectations for value from the EMR increase.
Whether you are implementing an EMR for the first time or changing EMRs, preparation will help ensure a successful transition.
Delivery of results and integration with all provincial assets are critical for your clinic.
Plan for a rainy day by protecting your clinic with a working business continuity plan (BCP).
Just as advocacy for a quality system is an essential role for our physician members, the Alberta Medical Association has a responsibility to advocate for what physicians collectively need to put Patients First.
Once you have selected an EMR, you will work with the vendor to create a contract and develop a plan for implementing the EMR.
Once you have selected an EMR, you will work with the vendor to create a contract and develop a plan for implementing the EMR.
Whether your clinic currently uses paper patient records or electronic medical records, you must consider your medical-legal obligations to retain records, what information you want in your new system and how that information can be transferred.