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Primary Care Strategic Forum

The Primary Care Strategic Forum (formerly “PCN Strategic Forum”) is an annual multi-day conference that focuses on primary care transformation in Alberta. This is where primary health care system leaders and multi-disciplinary providers will gather to learn about the important initiatives underway that advance the Patient’s Medical Home in an Integrated Health Neighborhood. The event alternates between Calgary and Edmonton.

The Primary Care Strategic Forum is not just a venue to receive information – it provides unique opportunities to network and share ideas with others from across the province. You will leave feeling connected and inspired!

Registration is now open for the 2025 Primary Care Strategic Forum.

The Primary Care Strategic Forum (formerly “PCN Strategic Forum”) is an annual multi-day conference that focuses on primary care transformation in Alberta. This is where primary health care system leaders and multi-disciplinary providers will gather to learn about the important initiatives underway that advance the Patient’s Medical Home in an Integrated Health Neighborhood. The event alternates between Calgary and Edmonton.

The Primary Care Strategic Forum is not just a venue to receive information – it provides unique opportunities to network and share ideas with others from across the province. You will leave feeling connected and inspired!

The initial concept for Forum was created in 2004 with the first event occurring in 2006. It started as a one-day event with less than 70 attendees that was geared towards PCN physician leads, physicians, health authority leads, and PCN staff.

Since then, more than 30 PCN Forums have occurred across Alberta under a variety of names including PCN Physician Leads Forum, PCN Forum and Primary Care Initiative Forum and they have grown to include over 400 attendees.

Historically, another conference called “Change Agent” was held annually for physician champions, practice facilitators and other agents of change who were operationalizing the priorities set at the governance level.  It was acknowledged that the topics of interest were very similar and that the two groups would benefit from attending a conference together.  The current Primary Care Strategic Forum approach combines the two events and supports this connection between the “strategic” and the “operational”.