Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Relational Continuity

Improve patient health outcomes through stronger, ongoing relationships with their primary provider.

Relational Continuity Resources

The relationship between patients, their physicians and the practice team is at the heart, and a critical goal of the Patient's Medical Home (PMH). Continuity of care is how a patient's experiences of care over time are coherent and linked; this is the result of good information flow, good interpersonal skills, and good coordination of care.

While continuity of care can occur in traditional primary care practice delivery, within the PMH there are conscious efforts to maintain and improve continuity through standardized practices and processes.

Community Information Integration/Central Patient Attachment Registry (CII/CPAR) is an important technical enabler to improved patient care because it assists clinics in identifying patients where continuity of care may be sub-optimized. Read more about CII/CPAR and its impact on continuity below.


Community Information Integration & Central Patient Attachment Registry (CII/CPAR) enables physicians and their teams to share patient information to Alberta Netcare directly from their electronic medical record (EMR).

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