Mar 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
WCB-Alberta invites you to attend a webinar. There is no fee, but this Webex online event requires your advance registration in order to attend.
Topics include:
- 9 a.m.: Addiction in the Community
Dr. Avi Aulakh, MD, LMCC, FRCPC psychiatrist - 10:10 a.m.: Hand/Wrist Injuries: When Time Matters by Dr. Brian Miller MD, FRCSC, CSPS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
- 11:20 a.m.: Your Patient, Our Worker and Services WCB has to Offer by Catharine Grieve, MD, CCFP, medical consultant, WCB-Alberta, and Shokria Habibi, manager, Health Care Strategy and Medical Aid, WCB-Alberta
This activity has been certified by the College of Family of Physicians of Canada for up to 3.0 Mainpro+® Certified Activity credits.