Hope and Healing after Trauma - Reflections for Physicians by General Roméo Dallaire

Alberta’s physicians at every career stage are suffering with occupational stress injury that has physical, ethical and moral dimensions, in an environment of extenuating and difficult circumstances. This live virtual 90-minute keynote session with General Roméo Dallaire offered physicians in any career stage, hope, connection and inspiration for healing. Please note this session was not recorded.

Jun 7, 2022

Please note that the session was not recorded.

General Roméo Dallaire’s story, messages and example are both credible and emotionally resonant for physicians. The parallel between General Dallaire’s experience and that of physicians in Alberta is striking. In his June 7, 2022 presentation, General Dallaire shared what he has learned and addressed operational (occupational) stress injuries and offered a path to recovery.

PFSP thanks CZMSA for their critical role in making this session possible and encourages all members to visit albertazmsa.com/zmsas to learn more about the advocacy and support ZMSAs provide Alberta physicians.

*A celebrated advocate for human rights, especially regarding child soldiers, veterans, and the prevention of mass atrocities, General Dallaire is also a respected government and UN advisor and former Canadian Senator.

Whether as military commander, humanitarian, senator, or author, Roméo Dallaire has penetrated our national consciousness, often in supremely uncomfortable ways. Setting aside his natural reserve, he has felt compelled to bring national and international attention to situations too-often ignored, whether the atrocities of the Rwandan genocide, the struggle that he and many other military veterans face with post-traumatic stress disorder, or the recruitment and use of child soldiers.

His defiant dedication to humanity during the Rwandan mission has been well-documented in films and books, including his own award-winning account: Shake Hands with the Devil: the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda.

Adapted from: www.romeodallaire.com. Biography accessed: March 16, 2022