Feeling Distress, Understanding Loss and Finding Meaning

PFSP collaborated with Well Doc Alberta to host a physician wellness webinar, as an opportunity for physicians to consider and better understand their distress during these times. 

Jun 16, 2020

View webinar recording

Along with knowledge expert Fleur Yumol, the webinar co-facilitators guided viewers through short pauses for self-reflection. This webinar was designed for physicians to enhance literacy and self-reflection about their wellness during times of rapid change, however, family members were encouraged to join as well.

Learning objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the common human reactions to loss of normalcy as a result of the rapid changes in our lives.
  • Connect the emotions we experience during this time to the construct of grief.
  • Describe strategies to help manage our distress during the various stages of grief.
  • Apply these strategies to move beyond grief with new meaning and purpose.


  • Webinar handout:
    • Three Stages of Psychological Response to Crisis
    • Emotions - what are you really feeling?
    • Actions you can take at each stage of grief
  • Article: On Death and Dying
    (Kübler-Ross E, Wessler S, Avioli LV. JAMA. 1972;221(2):174–179. doi:10.1001/jama.1972.03200150040010)


  • Fleur Yumol MSc MSW RSW
    Registered Clinical Social Worker and Managing Director of the Third-Party Service Provider, Physician and Family Support Program, AMA
  • Dr. Terrie Brandon MD CCFP
    Clinical and Program Director, Physician and Family Support Program, AMA
  • Alicia Polachek MA
    Co-Lead and Program Manager, Well Doc Alberta and Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Jane Lemaire MD FRCPC
    Physician Lead, Well Doc Alberta and Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary