Jun 16, 2023
Please note that the session was not recorded.
This session was co-facilitated by ICF Certified Executive Coaches, Dr. Michelle Jackman MSc, MD, FRCPC and Dr. Debrah Wirtzfeld MD, FRCSC, MSc, MBA.
While peer support and therapy are each valuable supports, they may not be the only or the right support in every situation. Executive coaching is gaining popularity as an additional form of support physicians may want to seek.
The session will help participants understand what executive coaching is and isn’t, and how it can help physicians with self-exploration of personal identity, purpose, meaning, skills, capabilities, and even potential blind spots to help them create the circumstances for increased fulfillment and happiness. Options for finding a qualified executive coach will also be shared.
What’s involved:
- A 90-minute session on Zoom where you are ‘on-camera’ with everyone else in the session to provide a sense of connection and community.
- Commitment to confidentiality.
- Hearing real life examples and benefits that illustrate how coaching can work.
- An opportunity to ask questions about the topic.
- Physicians will have the opportunity to reflect on a shift they may be considering.
This session is not:
- A personal coaching session for participants. Rather it is an information session about executive coaching, specifically for physicians.
What you’ll need:
- Zoom using both audio (headphones are helpful) and video.
- A dedicated quiet place where you will be relatively undisturbed.