A Conversation - Physician wellness and mental illness in physicians and surgeons

This session included conversation about the challenges that physicians and surgeons face in maintaining their well-being, the occupational hazards and expectations of invincibility, and the stigma associated with reaching out for help, as well as strategies and resources to support well-being.

Jan 24, 2024

Presented by Well Doc Alberta, the Alberta Medical Association’s Physician and Family Support Program, and Alberta Health Services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize key points about mental illness for physicians and surgeons.
  • Describe how occupational distress may threaten well-being.
  • Summarize how stigma and professional culture may undermine well-being.
  • Describe concrete strategies and resources to support well-being.
  • Please Note: This session is open to all physicians, residents, and medical students in Alberta.

Workshop Facilitators

  • Dr. Jane Lemaire MD FRCPC, Co-Director, Well Doc Alberta
  • Dr. Rachel Grimminck MD FRCPC DABPN CGP, Physician Associate, Well Doc Alberta
  • Dr. Gail Darling MD FRCSC FACS, Collaborator, Well Doc Alberta
  • Dr. Terrie Brandon MD CCFP, Program and Clinical Co-Director, Physician and Family Support Program, Alberta Medical Association
  • Dr. Erica Dance MD FRCPC DABEM, Program and Clinical Co-Director, Physician and Family Support Program, Alberta Medical Association
  • Dr. Sharron Spicer MD FRCPC CCPE, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Physician Experience, Alberta Health Services