Section News

Section News is a monthly e-newsletter featuring updates from AMA member sections. 

When a section has news, events or educational opportunities they want to share with members, they use AMA Section News. It's a quick, convenient way to stay current regarding the news of your and your colleague's section(s). Submission guidelines are noted below.

Doctor using smartphone

Read the latest issue

Current Issue - March 2024

General news
  • Provide your input on working with WCB-Alberta
  • Thank a colleague! JPAC Shine On Gratitude Program
Section of Emergency Medicine
  • Update
Section of General Surgery
  • Save the date - AAGS, Review in the Rockies 2024
Section of Laboratory Physicians
  • Updates
  • Save the date - Banff Pathology Course
Section of Neurosurgery
  • Save the date – Section of Neurosurgery Annual General Meeting (in-person)
Section of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Save the date – Alberta GYN Endoscopy Symposium
Section of Occupational Medicine
  • Occupational Medicine Conference (in-person or virtual)
Section of Pediatrics
  • Updates
  • Save the date – 47th American Academy of Pediatrics Conference

Submit an article to AMA Section News

All AMA sections (via their section presidents or representatives) may make submissions to AMA Section News by emailing AMA Section Services.

Examples of typical submission topics include:

  • Practice information (new policies, procedures)
  • Governance announcements, developments
  • Reports on past meetings, conferences and other events or announcements of upcoming meetings, conferences and events

Per standard format for e-newsletters, articles should be a maximum of 200 words in length

To enable the reader to find out more about subjects, e-newsletter articles commonly include hyperlinks to website pages or other newsletters, articles, contact emails, etc.

Articles may be edited (by the AMA Section News editor) for compliance with the AMA writing style guide and other elements/factors that contribute to engaging electronic content.

Common web writing standards include:

  • Brief, engaging copy.
  • Avoid over-use of acronyms, colloquialisms and jargon
  • Begin your article by clearly and concisely identifying the information that is most relevant and of the greatest benefit to your reader. Follow with more details.
  • The use of sub-heads (sub-titles), bulleted lists and bolded words are common techniques in e-newsletters, acting as "alerts" to the reader who may be quickly scanning the e-newsletter.

Submissions may include related graphic images. Please provide an .eps file, if available; .jpeg and .png files should be at least 300 x 300 pixels, to allow for cropping.

AMA Section Services emails section presidents (or their representatives) once a month, to remind them of the submission deadline for the upcoming edition of AMA Section News.

Email your section's submission to: AMA Section Services