I have a question for you
Every day we maintain our momentum, representing members in many venues. Next up: Workers’ Compensation Board negotiations. The April 1, 2020 agreement expires on December 31, 2024. Yes, this is late to begin a negotiation, but this was a decision of WCB relating to other discussions.
I need your help to assess the prevalence of WCB practice among members!
Please take a second to click and answer this quick Yes/No survey question:
Do you treat WCB patients on an elective basis?
We have been gathering input from members over the past several months and have heard the good and the bad about providing this care. All of this input informs the interests we are taking forward. One of those interests, of course, is compensation. We are also addressing issues around reporting, recoveries and matters of communication and the relationship between WCB and the physicians who provide services.
The WCB mailbox is still open for member feedback: wcbnegotiations
Thank you for your assistance!
PCCM and acute care support
Work is ongoing – I should say unrelenting – to get the Physician Comprehensive Care Model across the finish line with a formal announcement in December. We are not slowing down on this issue, so watch this space.
Because of this work and its related requirements, the Local Doctors, Local Issues town halls that were planned for Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray and Red Deer are being postponed to the new year. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and I really look forward to meeting members in those communities soon.
Acute care is not forgotten. We are pushing forward to advance issues covered by our Acute Care Stabilization Proposal (member login required), including modernizing alternative relationship plan rates. Last night, I attended a town hall meeting with section presidents and authorized representatives from nearly every ARP and AMHSP across Alberta to discuss a new rate setting methodology for ARPs.
Finally, the Stipend Working Group will be meeting in early December. We’re calling for government to de-escalate issues around stipends, AHS overhead and z-codes, and this group will be instrumental in determining the future stability for many programs that are currently being paid a stipend for their unique services.
I will write again soon.
Shelley Duggan, MD, FRCPC
President, Alberta Medical Association