Use your CME dollars! Deadline to use is March 31. Read more.

Urgent discussions with government

The Board and I have provided briefing materials and have had numerous interactions with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange in recent days. 

President's Letter

Dear Members,

The Board and I have provided briefing materials and have had numerous interactions with Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange in recent days. AMA senior staff are also in contact with their counterparts at Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services.

I appreciate the minister’s time and efforts to listen to physicians through the AMA. It’s clear that she and her team are interested in working with the profession.

My focus right now is the urgent need to stabilize family medicine clinics in the community that are in a state of collapse. We will look for a tangible, meaningful response in the immediate term. Federal government funds could make a significant difference.

I will keep you posted.

You are always welcome to share your thoughts with me. You can email me via You can also comment on this letter on the AMA website.


fred Rinaldi, MD, CCFP, FCFP, LLB, MBA, MPA(HSA), BCom
President, Alberta Medical Association
"Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'"